Cuddlefest again, made even more special by my ability to crack a smile, have a giggle, squawk and make funny baby noises while waving my hands around uncontrollably. Dobbie and Pop were great fun and they really put Daddy to work sorting out the backyard and the gardening! Mum was very happy with the result. We had Yum Cha again on Sunday, there were sixteen of us at the table, good turn out.
Elynn was in town as well and stopped by for a visit, Couple of drinks in the newly cleaned up backyard, it was all good.
I'm off to get my immunisation shots tomorrow, not sure what it is all about, but I don't think I like the sound of it. I am also going with Mum to see Doctor Frumar (he gave me a hand getting born.) He is just making sure Mum has recovered well after the ordeal I put her through.
Well JB it was really good to spend some time with you. You are such a cuddly smoochy little darling. Dobbie & Pop love you very much and will look forward to seeing you again sometime soon. Love from Dobbie & Pop. xxxxxx
Hello you delicious little man, feel quite out of touch as been away & you have grown so much! Love the photos of you with Dob & Pop & we heard what a good time everyone had?Justice We are wondering when Daddy& Mummy are going to bring you down here to show you of? We want to be in on the cuddle fest also!!!Janey says" what a great job mum & Dad are doing" WE both send lots of cuddles & love, Marg & Jane XOXO
Thanks Margie and Jane, looking forward to meeting you too, but apparently, there is no trip planned until christmas, so until then, unless you come to sydney, its just blogging.
Anyway, look forward to getting cuddles off you all one day.
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