They say all good things must come to an end. Grandma Khanna had to go back to Canada, so the cuddlefest is over, just a few more at the airport and I'll have to make do with what I can get out of Mum and Dad and whoever else visits. It was very early in the morning when Grandma Khanna had to catch the plane, I still had my pyjamas on. However, I was first up on the morning Grandma had to go, like most mornings. Dad calls me the human alarm clock, dunno what he is talking about.
This pic was taken just before Grandma had to get on the plane.
Hard saying good-bye & leaving my little man. Missing your cuddles. I enjoyed our many hugs & kisses so much. Can hardly wait till I can see & hold you again.
Grandma Khanna
Hi Grandma, glad to see you worked out how to post comment, was beginning to think you forgot about me. Can't wait to see you again as well, love JB.
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